Athletes Plus+

Our President, former six-year NFL RB, and Superbowl Champion Jonas Gray Sr. started AthletesPlus+ with a focus on educating and guiding elite Athletes on what's available to master an organized routine. Since his NFL career, Jonas has held successful executive-level positions in energy, financial services, and City Government giving him diversified knowledge in various fields. Unlike typical athlete branding and marketing groups, AthletesPlus+ believes in building holistically to reach your attained goals.

Another mission at Athletes Plus+ is to add to the toolbox of major corporations and the top Talent in business and financial services. Our passion is inspiring concentrated habits and understanding the importance of being selfishly motivated. Through our "Holistic Habits Plus Program" and our intentional workshops with legendary sports figures, we'll inspire you to unlock your greatness. Our proven tools and a one-of-a-kind approach will help you and your team concentrate their mind, body, and spirit towards any desired performance goals.